Danni Stone Art Blog - The 1st!
Danni Stone Danni Stone

Danni Stone Art Blog - The 1st!

I seriously have no clue how to start a blog… but I guess starting it awkwardly as possible still counts? All of those social media articles say that anyone who is anyone should have a blog, and while I’ve read quite a few, I’m just not sure mine won’t be floating unread out in the interwebs abyss.

Aside from not knowing how to start, I’m not entirely sure what to write about. My art of course, but even still, there’s only so much to say. Maybe that’s a bad thing… or not? Did I mention I don’t know what I’m doing? Heh. Well, I definitely do want to engage with those that enjoy my art and have taken the time to come to my website - despite my awkwardness I am deeply grateful to all those that view and enjoy my art. While I confess (perhaps I shouldn’t?) I mainly do artwork for myself, but I do hope for it to be seen by a lot of people. I hope to build a community of those that enjoy talking about art and getting to know other artists!

So, I guess I could talk about my plans, but I feel like every time I’ve ever made announcements, that’s always come back to bite me in the ass… like it’s almost guaranteed that the thing or the time I plan will not happen if it’s spoken/written somewhere. But, I guess this wouldn’t be a very interesting blog if I didn’t (will it really anyway though? I hope readers are into self deprecation because that jerk likes hanging around a lot lol).

ANYhow, before I digress too much longer, my Etsy Shop is currently in vacation mode and has been for the last few months because of my move from Buffalo NY/USA, to Nova Scotia Canada. I won’t get into too much detail, but OH BOY has that been an adventure in and of itself. It’s been great and a LOT of positives, I love it here, but with it has come a LOT of stress and anxiety and unfortunately that has drained me of most of my creativity. I suffer with a lot of anxiety and depression which also doesn’t help, so it has been a struggle getting myself back into my groove from before the move back in January. However, I am looking into getting a PO Box at which point I’ll be reopening my Etsy Shop.

I do have new designs in the pipeline despite missing both Valentine’s and St. Patrick’s Day. I’m hoping for some angry derpy Easter related stickers, but even that’s iffy considering how close the holiday it is. I may just work on some non-holiday things at this point as it seems like a more realistic endeavor at the moment. BUT there will be new holiday designs next year for sure, and I’ll be looking into Canadian holidays and see what piques my fancy.

Aside from my Etsy Shop, I do also take commissions every so often. My poor neglected Patreon Page has a special commission tier, with two spots as two commissions are really all I can accept at a time with my art workload. That and I also need to get a part time jorb sooner than later.

Sticking to the art related stuff though, I also want to create some other merch for my Etsy Shop, like cute derpy crochet dolls, but I have to teach myself how to crochet first lol - I also occasionally work on video game prototypes in between projects. My first, and closest to actual fun game, is called Cuisine Clash inspired by the old Atari game “Kaboom”. For the second one, I chose some words at random and created “QBC”, a jewelry matching game parodying the QVC program. Both are not very polished, though if anyone is interested I could easily dedicate a future blog to them. I may do it anyways :P

Hopefully that’s a good first, albeit long winded, blog. I’ll have to pay closer attention to other artist blogs and see what’s up!

Anyhow, until next time, take care everyone!


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