Merry Happy Christmas New Year Holidays!

Hello Everyone!

I hope you're all well and had a great Christmas if you celebrated! I also hope those in North America are keeping safe and warm during the crazy artic cyclone bomb blizzard! Insane! I'm even more grateful that I moved from Buffalo so I wouldn't have to endure the snowy winters. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't the worst and often times the snow wasn't that bad, but I'm just glad to not have to deal with the lake effect snow anymore.

For now I still tend to do more updates on my other social media accounts, but I AM trying to do better about updating this site. I’m thinking a design overhaul is coming soon. I wanted something darker themed for those that don’t want their retinas blasted if they’re browsing in the night, but I’m still not happy with the look and feel here yet. I also want to do something more pastel-holographic-ie. This is what happens when you love dark art, but really silly cute stuff too. I’ll try looking into keeping this layout and darker theme, and creating the other and allowing visitors to decide what version they’d prefer to peruse.


Still working on new sticker designs that I'll hopefully have ready to share very soon! If you become a patron or ko-fi member, then you get early access, so please consider trying out one of them if that sounds like something you'd be interested in. I’ll also have polls for patrons/memmbers to decide on themes for the monthly stickers and/or postcards I'm also offering discounts coupons for my shop, so there's some great goodies to be had!

In the near future, I’m planning to begin an art/studio/vlog series on my YT channel, I'll be looking to members to see what they want as I'm not sure I'm all that interesting, but I do want to get to know everyone and for them to have the same opportunity! :)

Last thing I'm working on is a mailing list. Would you be interested in joining if I created one? I've never done my own before, but I'd like to give it a shot. If you are interested, please comment below or send me an email! I'd also like to highlight other artists and shops as well, so it won't just be all about me, but helping others in the communities as well.

That's all for now, I just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing and give a quick update.

Until next time, take care everyone! :)


Oh Geez…a Blog.